Free Website Chat with Slack Support for Your Squarespace Website


Increase Conversions and Build Credibility with a Dedicated Website Chat

Have you noticed that our website has a new chat feature at the bottom of the screen? That chat sends notifications straight to our Slack account and we can reply to questions and inquiries straight from Slack - both on desktop and mobile. So convenient!

We have been looking for a solution to link website chat to Slack, our primary method of in-company communication, for quite some time now but always landed on limited or very pricey solutions. Recently Facebook Messenger discontinued its chat plugin, and  so we had to look for a new option. Result - a seamless integration with HubStop that is both powerful and convenient!

In this article we’re sharing with you how to set up a Slack chat for your Squarespace website! It requires some mingling with a couple of tools but it’s worth the effort. The best part is it’s absolutely free if you don’t need anything extra besides just a plain chat feature!

Step 1. Create a free Hubspot account

Hubspot is a CRM service that has a chat option in it. Make sure you register your Hubspot account with the same email address you use to access the Slack workspace you want to connect.

Step 2. Create a Chat Flow in HubSpot

  • Go to Automations > Chat Flows > Create a new chat flow.

  • Select "website" (not Facebook Messenger).

  • Customize the welcome message and set up email capture options.

  • Configure targeting options based on website pages.

  • Choose display settings for mobile and desktop.

  • Preview the chat appearance.

Step 3.  Customizing Chat Appearance and Embedding the Chat

  • Go to dashboard settings (right upper corner) under tools > Inbox > Inboxes.

  • Click on channels and live chat, then edit to customize chat colors.

  • Obtain embed code for the chat and insert it into the footer of your website.

Step 4. Integration with Slack

  • Navigate to connected apps under settings (if not visible, search for the app).

  • Create a new channel in Slack for website chat.

  • Connect Slack and HubSpot to link the chat.

  • Messages from the website chat will be posted in the Slack channel, allowing you to make direct replies from Slack.

Feel free to explore more Hubspot features! For instance, you can build a mini chat bot instead of using the default option, and ask your visitors for a name, email and a series of predefined questions. One cool feature we’re obsessed about is the ability to send chat transcripts to the email a customer leaves for you. Looks so professional!

Using a chat box on your website will increase conversions and build credibility! Set up a free Slack chat bot on your website today and handle client inquiries on the go.

Found or using a different solution? Let us know in the comments below!


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Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.

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