The Real Stories Behind Our Squarespace Templates


Every template design has a story

Have you ever wondered where the ideas for our Squarespace templates come from? Or how do we decide on their names? While there’s no one-size-fits-all recipe for creativity, I thought sharing a few stories behind some of my Squarespace templates would be fun.

Sometimes, inspiration strikes in the middle of the night. I’ll grab my phone, find a few references, and jot down the idea to remember later. Other times, it’s a longer process of combining different elements to match a trend. Here are some of the stories behind my favorites:

squarespace template for a digital marketer

Boho Social: This was the first template I ever sold! The visual part is inspired by Beth Kirby’s beautiful website. Beth was one of the key Instagram influencers back in 2019 when I was starting out. The copywriting strategy in this template is based on my friend, former colleague, and a social media marketer who started her business around the same time as I did. I followed her and I envisioned her perfect website. Boho Social design became viral on Pinterest before it became a digital product. I sensed a trend with peach and yellow colors and the template’s name. Boho Social is still my best-seller!

squarespace template for a studio

Lora: Named after Google’s free font! Coincidentally, Lora is also the name of my husband’s grandmother. The design was created as if it were a custom website for my friend but unlike Boho Social, it leans towards the fashion theme, hence the visuals and limited palette. It’s one of my best-sellers and all-time favorites, Lora is loved by marketing professionals, therapists, realtors, and coaches!

squarespace template for a coffee shop

Studio 89: One of my earliest designs from 2019, but I didn’t launch it until 2022. It was making rounds on Pinterest for three years before I decided to turn it into a template. This design was my attempt to have a moody dark template in the collection, to contrast other feminine designs. Interestingly, Studio 89 is loved by marketing firms that create websites for clients.

Squarespace template for a copywriter

Social Motion: The fall of 2022 was a tough time for me as I lost a loved one. This template became a creative outlet during those rough days, and I launched it on my birthday that year.

Squarespace template for a shop

Hustle and Heart: This was the first template I ever created. I polished every page in Figma before bringing it into Squarespace. Initially, it didn’t sell because I lacked traffic. But the sales followed once I started getting more eyeballs on my website!

squarespace template for a brand manager

Stories and Perfectionist: These templates were created in collaboration with another designer. The process was unusual for me and fascinating at the same time because it felt like I was my own client/ This helped me gain a fresh perspective on design and client work in general.

Both templates are at the sweet spot between Millenial and Gen Z aethetics.

Squarespace template for a shop

Lemongrass: This template was initially supposed to be called Bombshell. However, another fellow template shop used the name before I did. So, I named the template after a lounge band I enjoy listening to. The Lemongrass theme fits perfectly with the tropical and colorful vibe. The design is very minimalist, allowing you to customize it any way you like. The whole atmosphere is created by purposefully curated images.

Squarespace template sales page

Terranova: This template is based on my best-selling course sales page. When I launched the first iteration of the course, a lady asked me to sell her the page. So, I sold and installed it for her before it was even a product. Later, I branded it as Terranova and packaged it as a digital product. This sales page is a blend of many designs and converts at a whopping 10%!

Squarespace Template for a photographer

I created IndieStudio template after meeting my friend Katya Vilchuk online. Katya is a photographer in Atlanta, and I envisioned what would be a perfect photographer's website for her business. You should always have an ideal client in mind when designing a product, and I imagined Katya to be the one as she had an outdated website at the time. Eventually, she booked a template restyle service with me using this very template, which was specifically created for her style. This is what it resulted in.

Squarespace template for an interior designer

The Rosé template is the second template I ever created. It was designed with Moyo Studio aesthetics in mind. Moyo Studio is a mock-up template shop that also offers photo bundles, some of which I incorporated into this template. I was particularly drawn to their image collection, and I supplemented it with other visuals to create a cohesive, minimalistic design. The template features a lot of white space and a calm aesthetic. Moyo Studio permits the use of their visuals in templates, which made it possible to integrate their stunning imagery. I highly recommend Moyo Studio for their quality and versatility.

Squarespace template for a therapist

The Good Vibes template is our absolute bestseller for therapists. Therapists purchase this template in large numbers because the copywriting strategy is meticulously crafted. I created this template when we began blogging about other shops and template designs in general. While searching for good therapist websites, I found many on Squarespace that had great content but terrible design. I took all of these content pieces and created a comprehensive, large Squarespace template specifically tailored to therapists, and it quickly became a bestseller.

I hope this was insightful! Thank you for being a part of my journey as a creative entrepreneur!

Check out Our Squarespace Templates :

Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.

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