Serene Squarespace Website for Love Story Photographers
Dan and Ish
Juniper and Fog is a website of two Seattle-based photographers, Dan and Ish. They specialize in everything tagged “love”: stories, elopements, engagements, weddings. For their website, they choose our template Boho Social (God, it is popular this year!)
The first association that comes to mind after hearing the business name Juniper and Fog is of an autumn forest in good weather and a hiking trip. You get the idea. Well, this is how they made their website look.
The template’s palette embraces new colors like deep brown, pink beige, and all things pastel. This goes along perfectly with film-looking photos. The whole experience of the website makes you turn on Ben Howard’s “Old Pine” and go hiking.
Juniper and Fog took some of our graphic elements and added a lot of their own. Look at the sweet marriage in the result.