Why Template Shop is a Perfect Online Business Model


Announcing template shop business course you’d want to know about

When I first saw website templates being sold online, I couldn’t help but think: "Wow, do people actually buy these?" After 10 years of experience in web design and six years of running my Squarespace template shop, and I can confidently say – yes, they do. In fact, it’s far from a one-off sale – people buy templates all the time. So much so, that the market can accommodate many template shops.

Why are website templates in such high demand?

Where there's a hassle, there's an opportunity

Small businesses that need a website rarely have a big budget for web design. DIY website platforms like Squarespace, Showit, and Shopify come to the rescue, but designing a site yourself is not an easy task.

Since starting from scratch takes a considerable effort, many customers are willing to pay for design guidance – and the most affordable there is comes in the form of a template. The layouts, sections, color palette, and fonts are already there, the user just needs to swap out the content and publish the website. Website templates take the hassle out of web design. As Josh Kaufman says in his book "The Personal MBA": "Where there's a hassle, there's a business opportunity." Website templates check off nearly every box on Kaufman’s list of hassles:

  • A DIY design without a template takes too much time to complete.

  • Ensuring a good result requires significant effort.

  • The task distracts from other, more important priorities. Solopreneurs wear many hats, and mastering web design rarely tops the list.

  • The process is often confusing, uncertain, or overly complex. Learning a new platform can be daunting, but template shop owners help alleviate this challenge with tutorials and documentation.

  • Web design requires costly prior experience. And who has time to earn an extra master's in web design

Hassle Premium

Any DIY website design project comes with plenty of hassle and people are more than willing to pay for a solution that makes it easier to complete. A website template isn’t just a product – it’s a Hassle Premium service because it simplifies the lives of small business owners.

A Squarespace template shop is a thriving business model. If you are looking to replicate our approach and build your own profitable template shop, you absolutely can. Last month our studio published a complete knowledge base that reveals how we run things behind the scenes. Enroll now and start replicating our success.


Shop Squarespace Templates:

Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.


Classy Squarespace Website for a Wine Estate